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Thank you Living North Magazine

Writer's picture:

I'm not sure what to say so I will just say it, "Thank you, columnist Elizabeth Jospeph, for presenting me and my story about Kavu Clothing to your audience via the Living North Magazine (July issue). I am truly blown away by your kindness and support."

For anyone who lives in the North East of England, you really should catch a copy of the magazine; its filled with things to do, places to see and wonderful things to buy. Now including Kavu Clothing Nightwear.

You can subscribe to Elizabeth's information within Living North in the link below.

She is a wealth of information about the peri-menopause and the menopause including symptoms, remedies and funny stories endured along the way. I love her work and approach so I hope you check her out for a giggle or two.

If you are suffering with a range of issues (and we all know that there are many) then consider looking on instagram for support and help. There are so many women out there who have the same problems as you do and have found solutions whether medical or alternative. I urge you to start with Elizabeth's site @elizabethjosephnavigating or contact me @kavuclothing and I will point you in the right direction.

Whether it is:

- @julie_court_nutrition (food)

- @lindseyjrodrigues (keto, lifestyle, motivation)

- @meno.morphis (suppliments)

- @menopausepilates (pilates)

- @emmawellnessbeing (yoga)

- @i_am_tamsin (lifestyle, exercise, motivation)

- @thrivewithmenopause (qualified nurse)

- @tee_vfl (vegan recipes)

- @bernyrobertsoncoach (motivation)

-@dfclinics (tests and help)

-@greenactive_cbd (cbd products)

-@menopausematters (magazine)

-@menopause_made_modern (lifestyle)

-@yourfuturefit (exercise)

-@happypause_menopause (menopause products)

-@lotusmoonyoga (hormoneyoga)

-@sallygarozzomindmentor (hypnotherapy)

-@meno_pauset_32 (menopause tea)

-@womenbeyondforty (menopause magazine)


You will find a welcome and kindness from any of these sites. So, good luck! Get searching! The help that you want is out there waiting.



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