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Feeling tired in menopause, try Chromium Picolinate. It boosted my energy levels in 3 weeks.

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Howdy! all you menopause lovelies, Happy Menopause Day.

I hope that you are navigating this menopause journey well. I've recently made a discovery and wanted to share it with you. I'm no writer, so please bare with me: I am however, a great researcher, (even if I say so myself).

I've been feeling tired lately and I'm also pre-diabetic so I deal with blood sugar issues on a daily basis. I regularly feel tired in the mornings, need to eat between meals...... you know how it goes. Well I listened to a Dr Glidden on youtube, he's an American Naturopathic Doctor and he was talking about sleep and blood sugar issues. I listened intently and I will tell you what I have learned in the hope that it may be of some help.

Chromium Picolinate

This is a necessary mineral that our bodies (amazing as they are) cannot make. Normally, we would get plenty of it from our food items such as broccoli, apples, green beans but our soils are no where near as nutrient dense as they were in the 1950's so our bodies are lacking in several nutrients including this one.

In 1959, chromium picolinate was identified as a mineral that could help the hormone insulin to function properly so it was studied for diabetics. It has since been used all over the world in the treatment of diabetes.

Dr Glidden explained that the CP (as I will call it) helped the insulin to reach the cell more efficiently. We all need insulin, it is the power of our cells and without it we feel tired. He also explained that people who woke in the night, (you know the ones!) and could not get back to sleep, were probably CP deficient.

So, I bought a pack online from the Lindens store. They are a UK brand of supplements with eco friendly packaging and excellent customer service. (£5.99 for 120 tablets @ 1 per day). I took them for 2 weeks and felt a little bit better, by week 3: Wham! (and I don't mean the group).

I suddenly have more energy, I don't wake up tired, I am not 'snacking' as much: I'm pretty much like a Duracel battery and extremely happy with the result. My brain fog does not seem that bad too, although I'm not sure why. So why not give them a try? I'm not on commission or anything, this is genuinely aimed to help you if I can.

I have since read lots of studies on CP which I have linked below (some of them) and check out Dr Glidden, he's awesome.

Anderson RA. Chromium in the prevention and control of diabetes. Diabetes Metab. 2000 Feb;26(1):22-7. PMID: 10705100.

Anderson RA. Chromium in the prevention and control of diabetes. Diabetes Metab. 2000 Feb;26(1):22-7. PMID: 10705100.

Havel PJ. A scientific review: the role of chromium in insulin resistance. Diabetes Educ. 2004;Suppl:2-14. PMID: 15208835.Havel PJ. A scientific review: the role of chromium in insulin resistance. Diabetes Educ. 2004;Suppl:2-14. PMID: 15208835.



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